Dear $nm:
Thank you for sharing your testimony and declaring what God has done for you.  Your testimony will encourage others and give them hope that God is for them and has made a way through His son Jesus Christ for them to be free.   By sharing your story – you are helping others.  You are a living witness to the Good News Gospel of Jesus Christ.  I ask that the Lord return to you 100 fold what you have given out and increase His love in your heart everyday.
Be Blessed, Stick with God and See You in Heaven Someday!


Prayer for Partners Declaring God’s Mighty Works:
Heavenly Father, I hold up my partners to You and I thank You for each one of them.  I thank You that You will multiply and return to them 100 fold (Matt 13:23) what they have sown through their testimony and declaration of who You are and what You have done.  Lift them in your kingdom Lord and enlarge their territory, as they share with others and stand as a living witness to Jesus Christ– the way, the truth and the light – the only way to You Heavenly Father.  Lord, I thank You that because they are your children, willing and obedient, You will prosper all that they put their hands to do.  I thank You that You give your angels charge over all their ways and protect them.  Lord that You drive the enemy far from them and You make kingdom appointments where they have an opportunity to glorify You God.   Increase their stature; put them in places of influence for Your name’s sake and may they wax bold for You Lord.

I thank You Lord for each one and as I pray now in the spirit, I ask that You meet any specific needs each one has.  In Jesus Name, Amen!  Thank You Lord – Thank You Lord – You are Holy, Mighty and Wonderful – Mighty are You God – Mighty are Your Deeds!  You are Holy, Righteous and True.  Blessed be thy name.